+34 913 321 161 info@aptica.es


Telefónica de España

Radio-links calculation and inventory tool







APTICA has integrated the XIRIO radio network planning tool into TELEFÓNICA de España. This tool is oriented to the design and optimization of their radio links network at national level.

At the end of 2015, and undergoing an important project to develop its backhaul network, TELEFÓNICA opted to work with XIRIO as a tool for radio links calculation and design, introducing innovative techniques in the planning of such networks, and serving as an inventory application for the entire national radio-links plant.

APTICA, has made an adaptation and integration process allowing a soft and comfortable migration for users from the predecessor systems to the new tool.

TELEFÓNICA has opted for XIRIO CORPORATE option, so it has both server and client licenses in the corporate and Intranet versions of the XIRIO ONLINE tool. In this way, users have access to the system through conventional web browsers, from any location on the TELEFONICA intranet and without the need to install any additional components.