APTICA is providiing technical assistance for the commissioning of the internal communications network of the new Royal Collections Museum in Madrid, for the public body of “Patrimonio Nacional “.
Located between the Royal Palace and the Almudena Cathedral, the museum has a constructed area close to 50.000 m2 and a useful area that exceeds 40.000 m2, which is developed along 13 floors, houses 20 different rooms approximately with a capacity close to 2.500 visitors.
During the initial phase of the Project, APTICA developed the preliminary WiFi indoor coverage study with the radio planification tool XIRIO ONLINE. The simulation of the network behavior in indoor environment allowed to estimate the necessary access points to place in the building.
This project will provide the newest generation of wireless coverage by the implementation of WiFi 6 technology in each building room, allowing its use both for the visitor and the museum’s staff, in addition to expand the data wired network improving the current infrastructure of the building.
APTICA, selected by Isdefe as technical assistance is providing a deep follow-up work of the project to fulfil every and each technical condition required by the staff of “Patrimonio Nacional” in addition to provide consultancy and engineering tasks that allows to facilitate and speed up the commissioning of the project.
The deployment of the network itself supposes a great challenge of effective coordination between different work teams that comprises different areas and companies both external and with the different delegations of “Patrimonio Nacional”, where their needs converge into the network infrastructure that will be deployed at the museum.
The result of this project will involve the implementation of a wireless local area network (WLAN) by the modernization of the current communications infrastructure using the most advanced WiFi technology.